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Cryogenic Power Generation from liquefied LNG (Licensed)


Wasted Cold energy that is being generated during vaporization of LNG of 162℃ can be recovered to electric power using Rankine Cycle.

Normal Rankine Cycle has low efficiency of power recovery. We have high efficiency of power recovery process that provides electric power generation from complex method linking rankine cycle of LNG regasification process and conventional thermal power generation process.

The subject cryogenic power generation plant doesn't require sea water pumps or cooling tower to condense Low Pressure Steam from turbine. Furthermore, sea water is not required to vaporize LNG at the regasification process in the LNG terminal plant.

This licensed process is registered at South Korea Intellectual Property Office.

LNG terminal and Conventional Thermal power generation plant

냉열복합발전 신형 -1.png

Cryogenic electric power generation complex linking rankine cycle of LNG regasification process and conventional thermal power generation process.

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